Como artista sou dedicado ao figurativo porém tento colocar sempre em meus trabalhos algo mais do que o realismo, buscando a percepção do emocional e psicológico através de enigmas visuais, exploração de cores, composições e abstrações.
Em minhas pinturas geralmente invoco a participação de elementos da natureza, mesclados à essência humana em sua forma figurativa esteticamente bem elaborada.
Desde 2018 eu me dedico ao desenvolvimento de trabalhos pessoais, porém após me formar no Centro Cultural do Liceu de Artes e Oficios, a mais de 15 anos, atuei profissionalmente como artista visual produzindo ilustrações, arte conceitual, novelas gráficas e outros trabalhos criativos.
Para ver um portfólio de projetos editoriais visite esse link.
2018 to present – Personal projects in exploration and development of new series
2021 – Participation in the Art Exhibition “XVII Mostra de Arte do Vale do Paraíba, Região Serrana e Litoral Norte” by the Historical Museum of Taubaté – SP – Brazil
2008 to 2017 – Devir Brazil – Cover illustrations and other editorial projects with fantastic and sci-fi themes
2009 to 2016 – Editora Moderna – Didactic, educational illustrations and editorial projects
2015 – Participation of Comic Con Experience – SP – in the autograph table with launch of the book Shiroma by Roberto Causo, by Devir Brasil
2013 – Participation in the exhibition “IX Mostra de Arte do Vale do Paraíba, Litoral Norte e Região Serrana” by the Taubaté Historical Museum
2011 – Beginning of my participation in the fictional universe “GalAxis” by writer Roberto Causo
2009 – Invited to speak about editorial illustration at the launch event of the collection Rumo à Fantasia, at the Viriato Corrêa Library in São Paulo
2009 – Participation in the exhibition “II Exposição de Artes Livre como um Pássaro” at the Taubaté Cultural Center with guest artists.
2007 – Exhibition “Waste from the Fantastic”, held within the events FantastiCom 2007 and 14th International RPG Meeting.
2005 – Signed a contract with Editora Pergaminho de Portugal for the edition of the work “Mandalas – 32 Caminhos de Sabedoria” for publication in Portugal and Spain
2005 – Participation in the jury of the art competition “I Salão de Arte Integrada UNAARP” – Peruíbe – SP
2004 – Participation in the exhibition “Flores IV – Primavera” – Galeria La Gioconda – Mexico
2004 – Participation in the exhibition “Visão da Sociedade Brasileira” at Cultural Blue Life – São Paulo
2004 – Signed a contract with Editora Pensamento for the work “Mandalas – 32 Caminhos de Sabedoria” – a project with the arts of mandalas created with the writer Celina Fioravanti.
2003 – Project Arcanjos – Mestres da Luz, Complete project of the illustrated book in partnership with the writer Celina Fioravanti
2003 – Completion of the “Brincando com” collection by Editora Global, having developed, in addition to illustrations, the complete graphic project for 20 educational children's books
2003 – Launch of the work “Mandalas – How to Use the Energy of Sacred Drawings” with CD-Rom and animations, a project created together with the writer Celina Fioravanti – publisher Pensamento
2002 – Launch of the Obra Tarô Místico, a project created together with the writer Celina Fioravanti – publisher Pensamento
1999 – Participation in the Exhibition Ases da Capa – Museu da Imagem e do Som de São Paulo
1997 – Exhibition of Fantastic Art and Illustration and speaker about science fiction illustration at the event Interiorcon – SP
1996 – Winner of the “Nova Award” for Illustration
1995 – Participation in the Taubaté Spring Art Exhibition
1995 – Solo Exhibition Fantastic Art and Illustration – Taubaté Shopping
1993 – Beginning of collaboration for Innovation Books in the United States, with illustrations for covers and illustrated comic book pages
1993 – Participation in the First Regional Art Exhibition of Taubaté
1992 – Beginning of activities in science fiction illustration, being hired to illustrate Star Trek book covers for Brazil – Editora Aleph
1991 – First participation for Ground publishing company, with which I collaborated for more than 10 years with several significant editorial works, such as illustrations, covers and special projects.
1991 – Participation in the Art Exhibition "XIII Salão de Artes Plásticas de Taubaté"
1990 – Beginning of activities as an illustrator with the first commission, drawing and painting of a poster for cultural events – Secretary of Sports and Tourism of the State of São Paulo.
1989 – Art Course at the Liceu de Artes e Ofícios de São Paulo
Caso tenha interesse em entrar em contato e apresentar seus pensamentos, preencha os campos abaixo e darei um retorno assim que possível.